One thing I have for you though is this newly aquired piece of vintage hardware for a future audio project:

This thing is HUGE and the parcel was heavy as F! (shipping cost me more than the drive itself!)
Look at the size comparison with that nifty little 3.5" FDD!
I am still in doubt about how to approach this - my goal is clear though: connect the cables from the "tape head" to an audio amp and be able to control the motors (stepper and spindle) as with the other drives.
This is a bit different though.
The spindle motor for spinning the disc is, as far as I am informed, driven off 400V. The stepper motor says 24V, and I've read 5V somewhere around the web. On the PCB, theres a traditional connector for floppy IDE ribbon cables.
The heads have nice accesible wires going the PCB, so it will be extremely easy to extend some wires to the audio amp! That way we can keep this antique piece of computer hardware intact.
Bigger is sometimes better, when it comes to hardware hacking!
Stay tuned!
This is a really amazing and inspiring project! You are right: when hacking, bigger (& earlier) is better! :D